Friday, August 16, 2013

High Five for Friday

It's been another busy week but I'm excited to link with Lauren Elizabeth on her High Five for Friday for the first time!  Here are five highlights from my week...

1. He still thinks he's itty bitty even though he can't fit in my lap any more
2. My husband came home with pizza Thursday night for dinner as a surprise.  He knew how exhausted I was after a long week and took care of dinner for me.  He's such a sweetie!
3. Apparently my youngest thinks this is a perfectly acceptable place to leave his toothpaste... *ahem
4. I love Yogi Teas.  My favorites are Skin Detox and Berry Detox.  I love the quotes that come on the tags and this was my favorite quote this week
5. Last weekend at the beach was so relaxing and the weather was amazing.  I can't wait until we go again!

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